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    Peer Review Policies

    All WRUP publications undergo rigorous peer review. Proposals for all publications are sent for external peer review (usually a single blind process, with at least two independent, external academic reviewers). The WRUP Editorial Board bases its commissioning discussion on the proposal, the reviews and the author response to these.

    Once commissioned, book projects undergo a further peer review process at the point at which the completed manuscript is submitted. Again, this is usually single-blind, with at least two reviewers. This ensures the delivered book has achieved what the author intends and can provide useful insights to allow the author to make final adjustments.

    As part of the commissioning process for journals, the proposal outlines what the internal journal peer review process will look like. WRUP expects as a minimum that research articles will go through a single-blind review process with at least two reviews of each article, though journals can use a double-blind process if preferred. All of our journals adhere to the COPE guidelines for best practice.

    If you would like to support WRUP with its publishing activity, and might be able to offer academic feedback as part of the peer review process, please complete this form to share relevant information with the WRUP team.