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    Publish with us

    Our services

    Publishing services

    We offer a range of services for producing high quality publications.

    Academic quality and peer review

    All of the work we publish meets the highest academic standards. All proposals submitted for both books and journals go through a rigorous external peer review and quality control process led by our Editorial Board. Commissioned books will see the completed manuscript sent for peer review too. All commissioned journals will be expected to have their own robust peer review process. We adhere to COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) guidelines. See our Research Integrity page for more information.


    Production quality

    We offer a menu of production services to suit each project, and have partnered with experts at Ubiquity Press to provide layout and graphic design, copy editing, typesetting, indexing and long-term preservation - ensuring that the finished publication is of the highest quality.


    Global audience

    We are an open access digital publisher and all of our publications are made available free of charge anywhere in the world, under Creative Commons licences - meaning they can reach a global audience. We liaise with aggregation and indexing services, and work with authors on marketing their publications, in order to ensure maximum exposure.


    Modern publishing platform

    Our publications are hosted on an intuitive, user-friendly platform, that makes it easy for readers to access and engage with the scholarship. We offer a range of options designed to increase engagement with our authors' works, including commenting functionality, links to social media, and usage metrics. Our journal platform provides journal editors with a sophisticated and easy-to-use submissions and editorial management system. 


    Multiple formats

    Our publications are made available in a variety of formats, including PDF, HTML, Mobi, and EPub, meaning they can be downloaded and read on a wide variety of devices, without restrictive rights management.


    Print on demand

    We know that physical books are still an important way of reaching key audiences. Our quality print on demand books are distributed internationally - and because they're produced on-demand they never go out of print.



    As a small press we offer a very personal service, and take care to support our authors and editors. We work closely with authors during the development and production stages, and in marketing and raising awareness of publications.


    Publication costs

    WRUP charges per project publication costs, defining us as a gold open access press. This means that, for books, the author's funder or institution pays the publication costs to make the work freely available to readers. We are a non-profit publisher, and make no income from any of our publishing activity. As a result, our publishing costs simply cover the work done and so are significantly lower than most commercial publishers.

    As the costs reflect the work done, our publication costs vary according to the requirements of the project. As a guideline, our typical APC for full service journal articles is between £750. This is significantly less than the average commercial APC which is often-quoted at £2000-£3500, though APCs can be much higher in practice. We also publish journals where formatting is done by the journal's editorial team which carry no article processing charges but only an annual platform fee. Book publication costs vary greatly depending on the type and scale of the publication. Indicative costs for a 95k word monograph start from c.£7,000 (all prices excluding VAT).

    To discuss the publication costs for your project please contact us.

    We are also really excited to be able to offer funding opportunities via our External Author Monograph pilot.

    Waivers and grants

    Many institutions offer support for open access publishing, particularly for journals. Contact your institution's library for information on what funds may be available to you. Many research organisations also offer funds for supporting open access book publications.

    For scholars based at one of the partner Universities of Leeds, Sheffield or York, WRUP has a waiver fund to help subsidise some or all of the processing charge. The fund is limited, and applications are considered as they are received. Please contact us if you'd like to take advantage of the scheme.