All WRUP commissioning decisions (based on rigorous peer review processes) are made by our Editorial Board, which is comprised of academics based within the partner Universities. We're very grateful to those who have supported WRUP over the years - some of our previous Editorial Board members are listed below.
Professor of Law, and founding Head of York Law School, University of York. Editorial Board member from 2016-2024.
Co-Director or the ESRC Vulnerability & Policing Futures research Centre at the University of York and the University of Leeds and Deputy Associate Dean Research in the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of York. Editorial Board member from 2016-2017.
Cavendish Professor of Physics, University of Leeds. Editorial Board member from 2017-2018.
Emeritus Professor, School of English, University of Leeds. Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Student education 2006-2016; Chair, Cultural Institute, University of Leeds, 2016-2020. Chair of the Brotherton Committee, University of Leeds. Editorial Board member from 2016-2020.
Professor Justin Keen
Visiting Professor, Leeds Institute of Health Sciences, University of Leeds. Editorial Board member from 2016-2020.
Senior Lecturer in Sociology, University of York. Editorial Board member 2024-2024.
Interim PVC for Education and Student Experience at Royal Holloway, University of London. Editorial Board member from 2016-2018.
Professor of Electronic Engineering, University of York. Editorial Board member from 2019-2024.
Emeritus Professor of British History, University of Sheffield. Editorial Board member from 2016-2022.
Professor of Philosophy, University of York. Editorial Board member from 2016-2024
Vice-President for Education, the University of Sheffield. Editorial Board member from 2020-2024.